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Lauren Dixon - Chemical Peels (4).png

Due to the potent formulations found in SkinBetter Science products, a consultation is required before any products may be prescribed.


Please allow 5 working days to receive your personalised skincare plan via email.


All of our products can be conveniently purchased through our website, and we offer both delivery and clinic pickup options.

Once your consultation is complete, you will receive a link and password to access our private shop page, where you can easily purchase the products recommended for you.


Please ensure you complete all the questions on the Consultation Form and submit makeup-free photos of your skin, taken in natural lighting with your hair pulled away from your face. Include images of your front face, left side, right side, and an upward shot from the neck.


Your SkinCare Plan will be provided only after Lauren is satisfied that the Consultation Form has been accurately completed with all necessary information. Any changes in your medical history should be reported promptly.


Please note that the £20 Consultation fee can be redeemed against product purchases using a provided code that will be delivered to your email.

For Our Virtual Clients

Thanks for submitting! Please allow 5 working days to receive your personalised skincare plan via email.

Do you have any medical conditions?
Are you currently taking any medication?
Have you ever been prescribed oral or topical medication for your skin?
Do you have any allergies?
Are you currently taking any supplements? Skin or other.
What is your skin type?
Do you have any diagnosed Skin Conditions?
What are you main skin concerns?
Please select the products you currently use:
Do you regularly get any treatments currently? Skin, Aesthetic
Do you use sun-beds or have access to regular sun exposure?
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Empowering and Inspiring Transformation Through External and Internal Healing

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